Hello There Bubblers!
I’m using the API connector plugin. With a 3rd service, called AIRCALL
And succesfully did calls for retrieving user’s data. Also to create a user by passing single paramaeter data. But with no luck with the phone numbers.
So, I did just as said in the documentation API References | Aircall
And I pasted the JSON call just to see if it works before doing the dynamic values
“id”: 789,
“direct_link”: “https://api.aircall.io/v1/contacts/789”,
“first_name”: “John”,
“last_name”: “Doe”,
“company_name”: “Acme”,
“information”: “”,
“is_shared”: “true”,
“phone_numbers”: [
“label”: “Work”,
“value”: “+33631000000”
“emails”: [
“label”: “Work”,
“value”: “john.doe@something.io”
Surprisingly, no luck. It says
As edited by myself, I tried also with the dynamic values, don’t work neither
“id”: 789,
“direct_link”: “https://api.aircall.io/v1/contacts/789”,
“first_name”: " < first-name>",
“last_name”: “< last-name>”,
“company_name”: “< company-name>”,
“information”: “”,
“is_shared”: “true”,
“phone_numbers”: [
“label”: “user-phone-number”,
“value”: “< phone-number>”
“emails”: [
“label”: “user-email”,
“value”: “< user-email>”
//// there is a separation line between the < and the first character because if not it gets hidden in the post, not sure why