HELP Booking/Appointment for doctors and patients

Hi Bubblers,

I’am having difficulties with a project that i want to build on Bubble. I want to build a booking/appointment system where patients can book appointments by doctors. So when a doctors wants to change or add time slots the patient can book an appointment on the front-end site with that timeslots.

Can anyone build this for me? I’ll pay for it.

If you manage patient info (patient names, etc), you’ll have to abide to HIPAA. If so, Bubble probably isn’t your best option. There might be someone in the forums that might know more about this.

Hi. It’s only booking so no HIPAA

If you take down any patient information, such as their name or reason for scheduling, you might have to be HIPAA compliant. If you haven’t already, please get the official word from a lawyer that completely understands HIPAA. That’s something I would know for sure before proceeding.


Thanks Scott for the information! :slight_smile:

Sent you a message Talha!


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