Hello @emmanuel
I am trying to use Cloudconvert APIs. The call below works well in Postman but for some reason it throws an error in the plugin and API connector plugin. It almost seems like it’s being called twice when I initialize the call. Hint the below message
I tried almost everything, and nothing seems to work in Bubble, but postman is not having a problem with it at all.
The problem seem’s to be related to the body of the post request. Using other CloudConvert API calls as parameters works fine.
By the way, this seems familiar as another issue I have reported earlier. Please see post below
The Plugin I am trying to build link is
The curl operation I am trying to execute is
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: fef668d9-3343-f73f-455a-99c504a052d1" -d '{
"apikey": "Pdb7jYzdtUv_HYqyPAxH0OsM0mBB51kQTWyonEGcO1-3HuDXqqsG--T8w_o-Exor42dztuvsw9sdAiyAacPV7g",
"inputformat": "txt",
"outputformat": "png",
"input": "base64",
"file": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRleHQ=",
"filename": "Short test File.txt",
"converteroptions": {
"resize": null,
"resizemode": "maximum",
"resizeenlarge": null,
"density": 400,
"rotate": null,
"page_range": null,
"grayscale": null,
"disable_alpha": true,
"strip_metatags": null,
"command": null
"wait": false,
"download": false,
"save": true
}' "https://api.cloudconvert.com/convert"