Help with Air Native Plugins Apple ID

I’m using your Air Native plugin and having trouble with the IAP action not firing. I’ve set it up with the correct configuration, but when I test it in TestFlight, nothing happens when the action runs.

I’m not completely sure if I’ve entered the correct Apple keys in the right places because your documentation isn’t clear about the Apple IDs. Apple doesn’t refer to them as “Apple Private ID” or “Apple Issuer ID,” (these appear to be custom terms created by you guys).

Your documentation explains how to find the “Apple Private ID,” but not the other two IDs.

Could these IDs being incorrect cause the IAP action to fail? What else could be causing the action to not fire? Also, can you clarify how to locate these specific Apple IDs?

Hi @cohereandnow,

Thank you for your message.

Please make sure to review the Air Native Plugin Setup Guide, specifically the section for iOS:

Apple Private Key ID, Apple Issuer ID, Apple Private Key, Bundle ID
You can find it here:

At point 3, you’ll find a clear example of how to locate each key (screenshot bellow).

For additional guidance, feel free to check out our Air Native Plugin Demo Editor:

I hope this helps! Let us know if you need further assistance. :pray:

Best regards,

Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble

Yes, I followed these directions precisely and the action “IAP - Request Purchase” does nothing. I’m certain that I’m using the correct product ID. Is there another step I’m missing to test the IAP in Testflight?

I’ve contacted Igor @ZeroqodeSupport via email asking if he can take a look but he refuses to look and keeps directing me to check the documentation. It’s quite frustrating since I followed the documentation from the get go and need to help identifying why its not working.

Hi @cohereandnow,

Thank you for reaching out.

We’ve reviewed your correspondence with Igor and wanted to check if you received our reply yesterday, which included further guidance on what to focus on and potential issues with the Subscription model in your app.

To assist others who may have similar questions, we’ll also share additional information below that could be helpful.

After reviewing the Loom video you shared, haven’t noticed where in your workflow you are using the action:

Air Native - Process Purchase
You can find more details about it here:
Plugin Documentation

Here’s a quick summary of the action:
IAP - Request Purchase AirNative A
This action initiates a purchase and stores the transaction details in the plugin state IAP - Purchase Data and IAP - Transaction ID.

  • If the purchase is successful, the plugin event IAP - Purchase data is available will be triggered.
  • If an error occurs during the transaction, the plugin event IAP - Purchase data error will be triggered, and the error information will be displayed in an alert message.

You can find workflow examples on the Air Native plugin demo editor page.

Once the IAP - Purchase data is available event is triggered, you can use it to handle the transaction further in your workflow.

We highly recommend thoroughly reviewing the plugin documentation and using the demo editor page as a reference. Wishing you the best of luck with your plugin setup! Please note that the Zeroqode Support Team provides general support for plugins but does not offer consultancy services for plugin integration. We appreciate your understanding. 🙏

Screenshots from the Air Native plugin Demo editor page:

Hope this will be useful in identifying and resolving the issue with Susbcriptions inside your app.

In case you would like our team to integrate the Subscription inside your Bubble app - feel free to request a Custom Development service on our webpage.
The Minimal support package is 30h - 2250$.

Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble

I did received Igors message on the 21st. Since it seemed that he did not understand the issue I was having or was unwilling to help I decided to message you guys here.

Once again, I followed the documentation and instructions in your last message. What you just said in your last message is the exact same thing he has said. You saying to check the documentation has been no more helpful then the three times he said it.

When the button is pressed to trigger the action IAP, nothing happens even though I have set up the actions and workflows exactly as you just explained.

From what I understand a window from Apple is supposed to pop up and ask for a confirmation of the purchase.
This is what is supposed to happen but it DOES NOT happen when the IAP action is triggered. This is my issue.

My issue is not a lack of understanding of how to set the workflows. My issue us that i set up the workflows and it does nothing. Which is why I asked Igor if someone on your team could take a look. What could be causing this not to work? I have double checked and replaced the Apple Keys with new ones. This did not fix it. Apple support team has confirmed that the issue of it not working is not on there end.

Here is a video of the actions and workflows set up: Arc - Development - 23 January 2025 | Loom

A confirmation or error workflow is set to Show a icon. Watch the video below and you’ll see no icon is shown.

A video of nothing happening when the action is triggered by the button being pressed: iOS recording - 23 Jan 2025 | Loom

This is the 3rd or 4th time I’ve shown this to your team and asked for someone on your team to please take a look since I do not know how to trouble shoot this issue with your plugin.

Hi again,

Thank you for your reply and for sharing the additional Loom video.

Unfortunately, some actions are still missing from your workflow.

Once you use the IAP - Purchase data is available event, the Air Native - Process Purchase action is missing from your workflow.

Please refer to the previous screenshots for guidance:

We highly recommend comparing your workflow with the setup on our Demo Page for reference:
Air Native Plugin Demo Page

Additionally, make sure all the required Air Native Keys are properly configured for both the Live and Test versions of your app.

If the workflow is set up for the Main (Test) version, ensure that the keys are inserted (Screenshot by Lightshot), and your native mobile app corresponds to the test version.

Similarly, if you’ve deployed the workflow to the Live version, test the iOS app using your Live URL with the required keys from the Air Native tab Screenshot by Lightshot.

For both app versions, the keys should be identical. You can see examples of the setup on the Air Native plugin demo editor page - plugins tab:
Air Native Plugin Demo Editor Page.

I hope this helps! Wishing you the best of luck. :blush:

Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble

The action “process purchase” in the “Air Ntaitve IAP - Purchase data available” workflow is not the issue. This was added and does not resolve the issue:

The “IAP - Request purchase” action is not firing. This is the issue.

If I have done the following and “IAP - Request purchase” action is not firing, what do you suggest? What could be causing this action to not work?

I have done as you recommended:

  • Copied the preview page actions and workflows
  • Doubled checked the required air native keys are configured correctly
  • Added all Apple Keys to the Dev section (google keys are not there since its not related)

The action is still not firing.

I created new Pirvate key multiple times and followed the steps exactly, adding the /n and removing indentions. Still nothing.

Hi @cohereandnow,

Thank you for your reply.

There could be several factors contributing to the issue. To assist you effectively and run tests on our side with the Air Native team, we kindly request the following:

  1. Bubble Editor Access:
  • Please add our email,, as a collaborator in your Bubble editor.
  • Share the URL to your editor and specify the name of the page where the Air Native plugin element and workflows are set.
  1. Test Account Details:
  • Provide a test account (email and password) to log in to your native app.
  • Include detailed steps for navigating within the app to activate the subscription.
  1. Additional Notes:
  • It’s possible that you may have already purchased this item, and a transaction ID for your device exists. However, without using the Process Purchase action, it’s hard to verify.
  • You can add a text element displaying Air Native - Transaction ID to confirm whether it’s empty or not.

Once we have this information, we’ll be able to conduct thorough troubleshooting on our end.

Looking forward to your reply with the necessary details!

Best regards,
Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble

Thank you for your help. I sent a DM with this info.

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@ZeroqodeSupport any update?