Hey guys!
I’m new to bubble.
Trying to find a way to let a user put clickable hot spots on an image. Anyone have any tips/tricks/plugins that may help me out here?
Hey guys!
I’m new to bubble.
Trying to find a way to let a user put clickable hot spots on an image. Anyone have any tips/tricks/plugins that may help me out here?
Use a group element and set its background to be “image”. Upload your preferred image static or dynamic. The group will now be a “de facto” image. Since you can nest different types of clickable elements inside a group … take your pick of desired element or elements, add them inside the group and start workflows upon them being clicked.
Hope this helps
This is both tremendously helpful and way over my head. Thank you for the help! Now have to learn what most of that means
@sam15 Do share more details please of how you are doing
Great tip @cmarchan!! Is it possible to use this trick for tagging? If yes, can you please elaborate the workflow.
Not sure what you mean
Like pic tagging on social media or adding a pin
On click of a hot spot create a tag, add it to the image object (sorry I cannot go into further details as I am immersed in a couple of builds)
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