Help with simple math app

I am trying to create a simple app for practicing mental math factoring and I need help with the following:

The app picks two random integers (IntA and IntB) from a list of -12 to 12 (excluding 0), then displays two identical rows of buttons which contain IntA and IntB and some incorrect integers. I have it to the point that you can turn the buttons on (green) or off (back to blue).

I am stuck not knowing the best way to check if the two buttons that are currently green are the correct two integers once you press the ā€œcheckā€ button.

Are these radio buttons where there can only be one green answer per row? If so, every time one of the row buttons is clicked, maybe have a workflow that updates a page state with the current value for A and B. Then another workflow when the CHECK button is checked to compare these A&B values to correct answers that are already calculated.

Thanks for your help. They are not radio buttons but buttons generated in a repeating group.

I guess I donā€™t know how to update a page state with the current values. My intuition was to create a group and update the group with the values of the current cellā€™s selection when the button was turned green, and remove the values when the button is turned blue, but I was having trouble figuring out how to do that.

I am treading lightly here because I am very newish to Bubble, but Iā€™ll offer what I think I know:

First to create a page state which is just Bubbleā€™s name for a variable that has a scope of the current page. Click on your page element. Hit the ā€˜iā€™ info button on the inspector thing. There you can create an A and B integer variable.

For your button rows, You would need to have a way so that a user can only select one per row. Your app seems like it would break if they just clicked all the buttons and made them green.

I havenā€™t messed with the radio buttons element yet, but usually radio buttons have a mutually exclusiveness to them where if one is selected others cant be.

If that doesnā€™t work, then maybe when any of the buttons in your RG are selected, a workflow is triggered which makes all buttons blue first them on a second step makes the selected one green and a third step makes the current button value the value of the page state for variable ā€˜Aā€™ that you made above.

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Thanks, that helps a lot actually, I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t understand how to create a page state after going through their basic tutorials.

My plan is to compare the set of selections with the set of correct answers and only return correct if itā€™s an exact match.

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