How Bubble Rebuilt Developer Certification on Bubble | Bubble

Big news: Our Bubble Developer Certification is getting a major revamp — and we couldn’t be more delighted to have partnered with Airdev for the upgrade. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

This is so cool — great way of Dogfooding @Jeremy !

This was a fun and fulfilling project for me and the @AirDev team, for a few reasons:

  • After building on Bubble for over a decade, this was our first chance to build something FOR Bubble
  • The certification program is a great step toward higher standards & transparency in the Bubble ecosystem, which is important for growing the pie (see our mission)
  • We had first-hand experience taking the old exam and managing enrollments for our developers, so we brought some thoughts on how to improve the experience
  • Exam apps are always trickier than they appear – data security, smooth test experience, and managing question versioning are all interesting challenges to work through

I’m sure Bubblers will share great feedback on how to make the platform even better, and excited to see where the Bubble team takes it next!


Wonder if that 5% crash rate will be even higher now it’s hosted on Bubble :joy:

Naming ‘reliability’ as one of the goals and therefore reasons to build on Bubble made me chuckle. But I hope to see certifications expanded.

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They might have it on a dedicated instance :wink:

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Love that it was built by a Bubble Agency too! It’s cool that it’s now built on Bubble by a Bubble agency :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I love this! I’d love to see even more of it - feedback forms, the forum itself, etc - all built on Bubble. I feel like it’d allow the team to really get into the system (and workarounds) and help make it better overall.

Maybe moving forums to bubble native would benefit them, at least then when bubble goes down they don’t have to listen to us complain about it


Yeah… please don’t.

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