How can I catch a system timeout?

Hi Bubbly friends:
In testing I’ve come across this a couple of times where the system will time out and not finish a process.
In this case I’m creating a new thing on a list of things. Alls well for 23/24 new things but in the middle one of the things experienced a timeout. I want to be able to catch that so that I can reprocess or show it to the end user to inform that that one of the records they’re trying to create failed.
Is there a built in function to catch timeout errors? Or a handy way to do so? Thanks

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I don’t do list of things because of that TimeOut. Looping one by one is the solution. You absolutely control your process and in case of any error, you can start again at the exact place.

@JohnMark can you explain how you achieve a loop one. by one?

This post from 12d ago has some more context (background information from the founder(s)) re capacity timeout that might be worth a minute of your time to read: Monthly Community Update -- October 2022 - #20 by josh

The one I use frequently is calling the same API Workflow, with counter and other variables, like in this step10 example:

Hey @mike26,

I’d also recommend checking out this blog post written by @petter about recursive workflows: How To Set Up Recursive Workflows In Bubble - Amlie Solutions

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Very helpful. Thank you @JohnMark and @johnny

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