How can I display only the top items?

I’m trying to create RG showing most played songs in “music list” database with music name, number of plays, and album thumbnail.

(second column is # of plays, no duplication)

but at this moment as you can see, 3 all colums shows same top played song.
(sorry in japanese)

current RG setting below.

inside of RG, i made group of music name and thumnail

is there any problems?

how to show top 3 items in this RG?

thank you in advance.

Do this, Search for music lists then sort by #of plays in descending order item until #3

Then in the group inside your RG just do Parent group’s name, Parent group’s thumbnail

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Thank you for your kindness!

almost working but how to solve this error?
selecting "first item, same item appears…

thank you, Remi

Aren’t you just trying to display the current cell’s music list in each Group?

thanks for your time.

right, but how to fix this error in “Data source”?

Firstly, I don’t know why you are grouping by “# of plays”, this could group two different things with the same “# of plays” and apparently that’s not what you want.

Like @yamada.shoji99 said, in the RG (Repeating Group) you just need to Do a Search for music list then Sort by “# of plays” with Descending “yes” and limited to 3 items “items until #3”.

Then in the group inside the RG you just need to reference the Current Cell's music list. And for elements inside this group you need to use something like Parent's Group music list name, etc.

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Thank you very much!
I couldnt distinguish RG and group inside RG.

thank you for quick reply, @yamada.shoji99