I need to calculate x = y - (100-x)*y in the expression box in bubble.
x and y are massive searches for data in my database.
I can’t control the parenthesis in the bubble expression box since they are generated automatically.
Does anyone know how I can do this? Specifically, I can’t make parenthesis to do the (100-x) part first, as I would in any other programming language, calculator, excel, etc.
Yes you can control where they are it’s just weird how they did it, you have to click More in the right spots to get what you want. And also build the expression in a certain order
I agree it’s not be the most straightforward or prettiest way to do it ( I imagine Bubble devs had some real weird technical limitations to deal with when developing parenthesis), but after you get used to it its absolutely great.
The main thing I wish we could do is add a ‘more’ at the beginning of the dynamic expression.