I need to get a specific workflow step ID to use the “resume=12345677890x12345678” url parameter.
I found this old forum post where someone asks for it and the founder of bubble explain what is that purpouse of that parameter in the URL.
He said: “This appears when a workflow is running across pages. The id in the URL is what Bubble needs to know where to start to run the subsequent actions.”
I need it exactly for this purpouse, but its seems like there is no way to get the ID of a spefic action in the workflow.
I saw that the official Stripe plugin by Bubble uses this URL with “resume” parameter as the success URL for Stripe checkout, so is there any way I can do the same in different situations?
Each workflow has their own ID attached and you can cancel/lookup the workflows that way. It’s ideal to attach a “workflow ID” to things that have scheduled workflows so you can track them easier down the line.
yes sure I know this, but in this way I can only access previous actions.
I need to pass the ID of the next action becouse I want the workflow to start from the next action when I get redirected back to my website after Stripe checkout page.
In the way you showedm I can’t even access the ID of the current action, so it is not good for what I need
In this blog post they discuss exactly about what I mean
The founder of Bubble says: “This appears when a workflow is running across pages. The id in the URL is what Bubble needs to know where to start to run the subsequent actions.”.
He is the founder of Bubble, this information is 100% correct.
Yes sure I know this, but in this way I can only access previous actions.
I need to use the ID of the next action, becouse I need the workflow to start from the next action when I get redirected back from Stripe checkout page.
In this blog post they dicuss exactly about this thing.
The founder of Bubble said: “This appears when a workflow is running across pages. The id in the URL is what Bubble needs to know where to start to run the subsequent actions.”
He is the founder of Bubble so this information is 100%.
Yes sure I know this, but in this way I can only access previous actions.
I need to get the ID of next action, becouse I need the workflow to start from the next action when I get redirected back to my website after Stripe checkout page.
In the forum post I posted at the beginning of this conversation they discuss exactly about this.
The founder of Bubble said: “This appears when a workflow is running across pages. The id in the URL is what Bubble needs to know where to start to run the subsequent actions.”
Have you actually tried getting the “resume” key from the URL parameters? I am not sure if you clarified that. If not, you just use “Get data from URL > parameters > resume”
What’s the point of all this? You could have just used a custom event for the second part and then triggered it based off of a “Do when” with a get data from page URL.
@GH5T You mean when I schedule a backend workflow? Or I can do that also with the page workflow? And can I get the id of a future action in this way?
I think Bubble works like this. Suppose we have an event triggered when a button is clicked. This event has 5 actions. I think that when you click that button, Bubble schedules all 5 actions at the beginning, like
action 1 ID
action 2 ID
action 3 ID
The ID of an action is different every time, so it is a dynamic value that I need to know BEFORE the action happens.
@randomanon no I don’t want to. Of course I know that way, but its not a good way.
Bubble has this “resume” feature, and I am sure it works becouse the Stripe Plugin uses it.
I need to do the same, without using different ways that are less efficient then this one. I just need the actions ID and its done.
To be clear I mean this: I need to create something like.
action 1: set success_url for stripe checkout as “mydomain?resume=action_2_id”
action 2: … something …
In this way I don’t need to create any unnecessary extra condition “on page load” to finish next actions.
You’re NGMI if you hyperfocus on things like this, there’s nothing wrong with using a “Do when” and it’s not gonna make a difference to your app, you’re not coding in assembly, relax.
Also did you try to use a Go to page action followed by an action? That should produce the “resume” in the URL.
Also did you try to use a Go to page action followed by an action? That should produce the “resume” in the URL.
This is interesting. But I think it works only with “go to page”, not with “go to an external website”.
Can I use the “go to page” action to go to an extarnal website? I tried but it didn’t work
The point of the go to page action is just so you can get the ID of your action. You don’t actually care where it sends you. Also you ignored the first part of my post.