i tried the same without being aware of the input watcher thing. But i am stuck at the workflow for adding the repeating group selected value to be added to the input box. Like when someone enters @ in the input box, i have trigerred a workflow og When a condition is true - everytime - the input contains @. The group focus shows up with the repeating group. But no idea what to do after that where i want to add the user selected from the repeating group to be added after the @ just like twitter or facebook.
Please help
My method was more basic, just an input and it searches for existing tags. What you want is more of a Twitter style where it adds hashtags. A quick forum search gave me this:
Seems like more along the lines of what you want
Thanks for taking out time to revert.
But where i get stuck is adding the text inside the input box after the @ symbol just like this bubble forum input box and not extracting tags from an entire text. So basically inserting the selected user’s username inside the multiline input box after the @ sign and continuing to input text thereafter.
Sorry I’m just now getting the chance to read your reply, can you send screenshots of exactly you’re doing? It might be too complex for vanilla Bubble, not too sure.
@tylerboodman I want to build the exact same tagging system as in this bubble forum reply input box.
One last detail I am having issues with is the search itself. If I use contains keywords or contains, I get the same results. Nothing shows up in the list of pre-existing tags unless you match the word exactly. For example, I have a tag web3, by the time you type web it should be able to pull up.
The way the search box functions is ideal, as it begins the search after the 2nd letter it typed. Is there a way to mod this solution to work this way?
Let me think about this one, keep in mind the Bubble forum doesn’t run on Bubble. Definitely some regex and custom CSS involved to find the location of the cursor to put the list of users.
I’ve had good luck with the Zeroqode Search&Autocorrect plugin. It finds stuff instantly even after typing 1 letter, but it’s a client side search so if you have thousands and thousands of tags its going to have to retreive all of them first before searching sadly. Might be able to combine the Zeroqode search with another constraint in Bubble. Have you tried the regular “contains” search constraint?
I tried contains and contains keywords. They seem to work identically in this situation. I almost wonder if they have been working on this feature. I thought when I first coded the solution it was working in the manner I described, then it changed…
I will be keeping an eye on updates. Also yes, having all that info client side might not be the best.
Is this the plugin you were referring to?
Yes that’s the plugin.
Sure. It is sad to see Bubble cannot develop their own forum in bubble. Tagging is very important for numerous types of apps that are being built on Bubble. If coding is required for such a common feature then the whole purpose of no code is wasted. I hope you find some solution for this though. Thanks a lot for your revert.
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