How do I design the header/footer/pages in full width?

Hello guys!

How can I set my header/footer/pages design to full width?

How it is now:

How I want it:

Just make sure you don’t have a max width set on the relevant elements and containers…



When I set it too 1920px it still looks wrong, and it looks buggy in the editor too. @adamhholmes its now set to 1200.

Hello @alexandrotad

When I set it too 1920px it still looks wrong, and it looks buggy in the editor too. @adamhholmes its now set to 1200.

I assume you’re talking about setting the preset page width in the editor?..

That doesn’t actually have any effect on the actual rendered page…

You need to set your page (and container) layout settings correctly, depending on what you’re trying to achieve… but for full width, be sure they don’t have any maximum width’s set.

Obviously, you’ll need to have a responsive page layout in order for elements to respond to various screen sizes, so make sure your page is set up correctly for responsive behaviour.

I’d definitely recommend taking some time to familiarise yourself with responsive design in Bubble, so the video @cmarchan posted is a great place to start.

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