How do I do a simple calculation in an expression

This seems like it would be so simple!

I’m trying to select a specific item number from a list field in the database on a Product Group thing. The issue is that I need to calculate the number to select, so I can just do “item #5”, what I need to do is “item # (Product Group’s Revision Number - rev-view)” where Revision Number is a field on Product Group and rev-view is a number custom state.

When I try to do this, A) there’s no way to incorporate parenthesis and B) there’s not even a minus sign option after the first number I choose.

How would I accomplish this calculation in the expression?


Use an arbitrary text expression and then :convert to number back in the main expression… in lieu of full parenthesis / when maths operators have become unavailable in the main expression

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If you haven’t tried the experimental parentheses feature yet, I highly recommend giving it a shot.


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Holy shit @mikeloc and @exception-rambler both your answers are super helpful!

I solved it immediately with arbitrary text, and I did not know about the parenthesis feature at all - will make use of that asap.


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