Using ( ) for math calculation? - How to Ensure Correct Order of Operations in Calculations with Parentheses

Hi, Am trying to calculate tax - discount to display total price.

The tax in my place is 17% and in order to calculate right now i am trying to do something like this:
shop_items’related_products:each item’s total price:sum-discount*0.17

It’s not working good, I suspect the issue lies with the order of operations ( ) and it should look like this:
(shop_items’related_products:each item’s total price:sum-discount) * 0.17
but in this way it’s not working at all


Do you have parenthesis turned on (or the beta expression builder)?


What do you mean by turned on?
Not sure i understand

You need to turn on paratheses here:

Or turn on the Beta Expression builder here:


It looks like you’ve just typed the parenthesis, and the * symbol.

You need to use the expression builder to create the expression (don’t just type it)

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