How do I set a workflow to only proceed if a search finds a value?

I want to close my app sign up to invite only, so I have a group that loads when a user clicks sign up. The group blocks the actual sign up and simply shows an “invite code input.”

The idea is that a user with an invite code would type their code into the input, click [submit] and then get the sign up form if the invite code exists and is not used.

I have a data type called Invite, with fields for Code=text , and a field for used= yes/no.

I need help with my workflow. How do I make it so that if a user hits submit, a search is triggered for the invite code typed in the input and isn’t used?

So far, I have when user clicks submit, show real sign up form, only when…do a search for invites, code=input value, used=no

,… but the problem is that it shows as an error in red, i want the workflow to work if the search finds that this value exists

ok, i got it.

i added count at the end of do a search, and made count>0

Alternatively: Do a search for… whatever’s:first item is not empty

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