How do i stop the search bar from showing duplicates

so there’s the ability to create listings, and you can type a location you want the listing to be in when creating it. but when searching for listings by location through a search bar, if there are 2 listing with the same location, the search bar shows the location twice like:


how can i stop that


Not sure if this helps you or not, but there is the Unique option available.
Would need to see at the least a screenshot of how you have things setup though to help further.
Not sure what this ‘search bar’ is you’re referring to.

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The reply aboth is the solution, use Unique options.

i’m refering to the search box element

Can you show us a quick screenshot of how you have your Search Box setup in the Editor?
I assume you have a Listing table with a Location field and you’re setting up to be Dynamic with a Do search from Listings… or something like that? Screenshot of how it actually looks too would be helpful.

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The link to the editor will be better.

actually i was able to figure it out myself. thanks for offering to help anyways.

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