When files are uploaded and attached to a thing, the Bubble db seems to know what files are attached to each thing, but I can’t find how to list/display these.
I have a thing called an Entry. Files can be uploaded and attached to an Entry. When viewing an Entry, I have a repeating group that should list that Entry’s attached files, but I’m not seeing “This Entry’s Attached Files” as an option for the data source, nor can I find another way to do this.
I tried using “Do a search for [uploaded files]” with a constraint, thinking that “Attached to [this Entry]” might exist, but it doesn’t. How in the world do you get a list of a thing’s attached files? If this isn’t possible, what is the purpose of attaching files at all?
Thanks for the response! That’s not quite what I meant, but I think I didn’t give enough context at first. When using an uploader, you have the option of marking files as private and attaching them to a thing:
This wouldn’t be a admin-created field called “Attached Files”, but it’s a built-in Bubble functionality.
When using this, I’m not seeing a way to list these files anywhere. [Thing’s] “attached files” isn’t an option when selecting a repeating group data source:
(I also tried this using “Uploaded File” as the Type of Content, but got the same result.)
I’m using Better Uploader to upload the files to Bubble, which also uses that “attach to” functionality. The problem is that I can’t find a way to reference files that are attached to a thing.
Looks like I’ll have to reach out to the Better Uploader plugin author. I’m not seeing a way to reference uploaded files with that plugin after upload like you can with the standard Bubble uploader so you can put the files in a field.
Is there an Event that triggers like “All files uploaded” with an element state of listing all the files? If not if there’s an event per file then just continuously add those files to a custom state then at the end set the whole custom state list to to the list field in your database