How get API request to Bubble database for List fields?

Our bubble support asked me to post that request in Forum :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I am trying to make a search request to bubble database via API and I have got successful responses.
But when I tried a search in the list field I got some warnings.

For example, I have a table Company with the field “Sector industry” and that field is a list of table “Industry”.
And I want to find all companies which have one or several Industries from my Industry List.

I created “constraints” for URL parameter (for API search in data base) like that
[{ “key”: “sectorindustry”, “constraint_type”: “contain”, “value”:[“Industry unique id 1”,“Industry unique id 2”]}]
after that I encode that string.
But when I make GET request to API I got an error:

“statusCode”: 404,
“body”: {
“status”: “NOT_FOUND”,
“message”: “Constraint type not found contain for field industry_list_custom_industry and type company”

I also tried to change “key” value in the parameter string on “industry_list_custom_industry” and got the same result.

Please, help me. What I am doing wrong?

Best regards


We are also experiencing this.