Hey Bubblers,
we are building a telegram bot and try to set an endpoint which would receive webhooks from Telegram.
Now the problem is that for different events Telegram sends different type of objects. and it allows only one endpoint to be used for webhooks.
So when we use detect request data on one object then we can’t use the other object.
is there a way to manually set up all the fields if they are coming in an array instead of using automatic request data? @NigelG@AliFarahat any idea?
thanks Ali, will take a look, but i’d prefer a direct solution, to avoid delays and to minimize the chances of loosing the webhooks, reached out to Bubble support to see if they might make some improvements to the endpoints
So, we found a workaround
first we detect request data for first object, then copy the array that Bubble detects. Then we trigger the second object from telegram and detect request data for that second object and again copy the array that Bubble detects. Then we combine the arrays in a text editor and paste the request in Postman and run detect request data again this time listening for the combined object. And then whatever object telegram sends to that endpoint we detect it smoothly.