im trying to change a status of a case when the current date hits the deadline date.
i have tried doing that in a backend worklfow but i seems that it just change the deadline date to current date and not the status… can anyone help me out with this one?
so in my workflow of create a thing it gets created with a “tilbuds staus” called “sendt”
and a “udløbsdato”/deadline date chosed from a date pickers value when creating
when current date then hits the dealine date i want the “tilbuds status” to change from sendt to experied
im still not sure i understand where or how to schedule that to happen…?
i still didnt understand out from what you wrote how to make a scheduled trigger…
but i asked bubbles AI bot there got me a tiny bit closer…
it tells me to make an recurring event and set the frequency to check daily
but as you can see here i dont get the option to set a frequency in a recurring event nor either point 3: “set/cancel a recurring event”
so im still lost what excatly to do…
i see to use the schedule API workflow i will have to upgrade my plan before i can start playing with that… and that is to early yet to do
Well that’s a totally different approach to what I was suggesting (but is an alternative way to do it, although probably not ideal for your specific use case).
Personally I’d recommend doing what I said previously rather than this method here, but it depends on your specific requirements.
To change the status of the Tilbud when its deadline is reached, you should schedule an API workflow to run on the deadline date. To do this, you should:
Create a Backend workflow called “tilbud_status_update” (or name it as you wish) and add an action to it “Make changes to Tilbud” with status update. Add to it “Tilbut” data type as parameter. You should put a condition on this workflow to run only when the Status is “sendt”.
When creating a new Tilbud and you know the deadline date, you should add the next step to this workflow which will be “Schedule API Workflow tilbud_status_update” and in the Scheduled date field, put your deadline date. In Tilbut param it will be this workflow Tilbut. It is good practice to save this API workflow ID (inside the Tilbud object) to be able to cancel it if needed.