How to check the datatype for the custom states created already?


Can anyone help me to find the datatype of a custom state which is already created.


In the below screenshot the custom state is “list” i have only option to delete but cannot view the datatype of this state.


Annoying it isn’t !

I tend to set it as the source of something list a RG, then check the error message which will hopefully tell me what it is.

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In the case of one custom state, trying your option could work out.

BUT, I have lots of custom states of different RGs, Groups, and few popups. Few of the custom states have “contains list” option which takes a lot of time to figure out.

You could ask @emmanuel if there is a quick answer ?

We unfortunately don’t expose that anywhere. I’ll think about a way to show that, but can’t commit on a quick turnaround there.

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