How to Create a Dynamic Table & Field Management System in


I’m building an app called DynamicCrud, a dynamic table and field management system in The app allows users to create their own tables and fields without modifying the database structure manually. Here’s what I aim to achieve:

  • Tables: Users can define table names, categories, descriptions, and associate them with databases.
  • Fields: Users can dynamically add fields to tables, specifying field types (e.g., Text, Number, Date), lengths, descriptions, and help text.


  • Dynamic table creation and management.
  • Dynamic field creation linked to specific tables.
  • Display tables and fields in repeating groups for management.
  • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for both tables and fields.
  • Optional: Display forms based on the user-defined fields dynamically.

I’d like guidance on:

  1. Best practices for implementing dynamic tables and fields in Bubble.
  2. Efficient workflows to handle CRUD operations.
  3. Any recommendations for ensuring scalability, validation, and permissions.

If anyone has experience or templates related to dynamic data systems in Bubble, I’d love to hear your input. Thanks!

Bubble is likely not the best place to build this kind of app

Yes it is possible, but will it be a good fit - likely not.

For one, allowing users to add fields to a table…

You could do this two ways

  1. have a data with fields already existing and just turn them on/off for the user
  2. have a table data and a field data and allow users to create field datas and link them to the table - makes search and filtering very difficult and heavy to do

option 1 would be very limiting - especially if you needed different data types per field
option 2 would be very inefficient since the data would be on two tables and constantly needing to be searched or filtered

writing search/filters for this type of build would be very difficult as well…
table > fields > filtered to field name > data

essentially your asking bubble to create a clone of itself… why not just use bubble?

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