I’m building an app called DynamicCrud, a dynamic table and field management system in Bubble.io. The app allows users to create their own tables and fields without modifying the database structure manually. Here’s what I aim to achieve:
- Tables: Users can define table names, categories, descriptions, and associate them with databases.
- Fields: Users can dynamically add fields to tables, specifying field types (e.g., Text, Number, Date), lengths, descriptions, and help text.
- Dynamic table creation and management.
- Dynamic field creation linked to specific tables.
- Display tables and fields in repeating groups for management.
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for both tables and fields.
- Optional: Display forms based on the user-defined fields dynamically.
I’d like guidance on:
- Best practices for implementing dynamic tables and fields in Bubble.
- Efficient workflows to handle CRUD operations.
- Any recommendations for ensuring scalability, validation, and permissions.
If anyone has experience or templates related to dynamic data systems in Bubble, I’d love to hear your input. Thanks!