How to create new account ONLY if email is authenicated?

Hey all!

I’ve read all of the threads I found about this matter and still I just dont really get it.

My issue: I want to signup the user ONLY if their email is authenticated, and I want to use a custom email

My goal is to achieve this:

  1. new person wants to register and fills in email and password
  2. He/she gets an email confirmation email
  3. ONLY IF email is confirmed the user is created
    *Email needs to be custom and not bubble’s email

If I understand correctly this is possible when using the signup action and chosing to send the email confirmation link. This is great and does the job for me (only without the custom email)

Now when I want to do the same with a custom email confirmation I cant the the signup action being conditioned to the authentication in the same way >

I think Im missing something…

Any ideas?

The user will be created anyway, confirming or not the email.
What you can do is to only allow login is email confirmed is yes.
Will be something like this screenshot:

In addition to it, you can create a recurring workflow that deletes unconfirmed users after X days to keep your database clean

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Isn’t weird to sign up a user before they authenticate the email is really theirs and then deleting if they do not confirm it? Wouldnt it be cleaner to only signup the user if it confirm the email to begin with?

For comparison, today I send a 4 digit code to the email the user wants to signup with. Only if the enter the code I let them register with that email. That way I don’t create false accounts to begin with

I want to achieve the same outcome without having them typing a 4 digit code (rather just press the link)

If I understand correctly I’m not sure how would that be done

Well, it can be weird but it is what it is :sweat_smile:

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Hehe yeah…

So eventually you say:

  1. Sign up the user (account is created)
  2. Send verification email
    3a. If account’s email is confirmed - allow to log in
    3b. If account’s email is not confirmed - block user from login and delete account after some time

I understand correctly?

Yeap, this is how I’d tackle it

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