How to disable SSL Verification


I have received a simple API that comes out in XML format, I am failing to connect the Bubble API connector with this API.

The support team have advised me that the error has to do with SSL certificate coming through their system, Bubble is trying to verify that certificate but its failing to. Is there an option to disable ssl certificate verification in bubble?

Thank you so much!!

Settings > domain > SSL


I think it depends on when you connected your domain and if you are on a paid plan if that option is available.

You probably don’t want to disable SSL though, as Chrome blocks your site with a warning if you don’t have SSL.

Perhaps you can disable SSL just for the API? Not sure, I think the support team might need to help you with this.

Hey Stone,

Thank you so much for your response.

I managed to figure it out. All I had to do was remove the s on https:// via Bubble API Connector to get it working!

Appreciate your input Stone!