How to display a page only when all the elements are ready?


I have a lot of elements to display on a page and the display is very jerky.
How is it possible to make sure to display the page once all items are ready to be displayed ?


Maybe you have a pop up on the page blocking the view, and then you make a workflow that says

do when entire page loaded yes


then hide the popup

I would be curious to know if that works! I’m having trouble imagining what is happening during load for you.

Instead of a popup, also a shape or group that is brought to be in front of everything should work.
You could also use as condition: when repeating group X is loaded is no, this element is invisible

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How are you able to do a condition with R.G. X is loaded is yes?

I am only able to get R.G. X is loading is yes


Which just shows that it is in the process of loading and not actually finished loading.

How can we set a condition so that the R.G. is loaded ( ie: finished loading )?

sorry, that was unclear, I just mean is loading is no. means that it finished loading. edited above.