Maybe a dummy question, but I can’t find how to do “OR” in my constraints …
In my do search for, I want to display the elements which are either :
visibility = me
OR visibility = public
OR visibility = my friends and the creator of the place is in my list of friends
I know how to write each one separately but I can’t find a way to display all of them … I feel the contraints in bubble are only AND ? I tried filtered: also but can’t find the OR … and the plus:item I think I don’t use it correctly. Thank you for you help !
There’s no or actually in search (without using ":filtered and advanced… however in most case, try to avoid use of advanced). You need to use :merge with
Do a search for (where visibility = me):merge with Do a search for (where visilibity = public)…
However, there’s other solutions like <> to say is different like search item where visibility <> (another type). In this case, AND is used and make sense in one search
You can also play with Privacy rules from what I understand from your settings (and it’s probably exactly what you should do…)
Finally, you could consider using a list of “visility” allowed and check if the visibility is in this list (visibility is in list of visibility)
Another question … I want to display markers on a map, every marker when by theme filter is empty, and only markers with the relevant theme when I choose it in the dropdown. So I would need to make to search, but I don’t know how … I tried with merge but it only takes the second search, it does not display all the markers when the dropdown is empty.
Would you have a workaround ?