How to hide repeating group row if empty

Hey Everyone

Completely new to Bubble and loving the platform.

I have generated a test case here:

With reference to the above test case, how can i hide the empty rows in a repeating group list?

I have done a search for a field in a database and sent the data to a page where each database entry fields are displayed example title and image for a particular entry.

On this page, call it the single_page i am doing a title comparison with another table. Thus in the list of results of repeating group items are blank, i need to hide these and only return the rows that have data.

Is this possible with bubble or am i asking for to much of a complex operation for it to handle.

Kind regards

Rather than “hide” empty cells, I would set some constraints on the search that’s populating the repeating group, such that it doesn’t return items that are empty.

Hi Andrew, how is this achieved, i have been looking for this setting. Sorry for the basic queries, however i im new to this.

Put a Group in the RG cell. Put a conditional on the Group to make it not visible based on your criteria.


Select the “Collapse this element’s height when hidden” checkbox.


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