Hey guys!
So I’m working on my bubble app and I have a repeating group in which I can’t hide specific cells using the Do a search for expression, so I am using a conditional for the group inside the repeating group which basically tells Bubble to hide that group (from the list of groups within the repeating group) if that conditional is met. The group is also checked to collapse if it is hidden. The conditional works perfectly, however when certain cells/groups are filtered out to be hidden there’s a small blank space between the visible groups as if the invisible groups are still there, but not show/without any content. I also checked if there is any margin or spacing but there isn’t. How could I fix this?
This is how the spacing between groups in the Repeting Group is when there’s no hidden group between them:
This is how the spacing between groups in the Repeting Group is when there are hidden groups between the visible groups: