How to include a list of values in a body parameter with the API Connector plugin

Hello amazing Bubblers,
How do we include a list of values in a body parameter when initializing an API call in the API Connector plugin?

This depend of the API you sre calling. Please provide a link to documentation endpoint

It’s a POST CALL, a shared header Authorization with an API key.
Apparently, I succeeded to initialize the call, but not as a list, I can get one value from the specified key. Seems I’ll have to work around the values with the list in an option set, set to a custom state when calling the value in a workflow.

Still, if anyone’s got a better solution, I’d be glad to hype it. :smiley:

I formatted the key’s value as such; (only showing the essential key)

  "types": <types>

Body parameters;

key: “type”
value: [“fluency”, “vocabulary/specificity”, “vocabulary/variety”, “clarity/short-sentences”, “clarity/conciseness”]

then it initialized.

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