How to put a shape on top of a text and

hi its my first time using bubble ,i have two questions i am new to bubble but i am working on a app and i want to put a shape on top of a text for example (a red line on top of a number to show the dicount)

two how when i put the screen in a mobile size every thing goes is i want it but i want the images to get smaller when the screen is small and stay in a row but at this moment when i make the screen smaller the 4 images on the right of the screen the become vertical i want it to stay in a ray but get smaller , thank you

Hi and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Some images would work better to help us understand more!

Put the text in a group and add a top border to the group.

Hey, and welcome to Bubble!

You need to understand a few of Bubble’s concepts, like responsiveness, conditionals, and grouping. If you are taking any course to learn how to develop in Bubble, you’ll probably run over those concepts soon, but let me introduce you a little bit.

About the images getting smaller in the mobile screen, you have to create a conditional that goes: "When page width<325 : Image size = the size you want it to be

About the red line on top, you just have to create the red line using a shape or a group, select both red line and number, press the right button of your mouse and select “group elements in column container”

These are very simple things that you can learn in any bubble course, and there are a lot of free courses on the internet that will help you understand those concepts

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