Repeating group is invisible dont know how to resolve.
look for it on the left hand elements tree. there is a checkbox for display hidden elements
i like to name the hidden elements with a " / hidden" so i can quickly find them
Yes i checked in elements tree but i didnt found the issue there.
It is visible there (element is visible)
sounds like youll just have to use the “search for element” dropdown and search for it.
click on appearence for the RG. doesnt look like you are loading any data in
is “all reports OS” a state? where are you doing the search?
do you have any reports in the database?
not sure why its not visible. sometiems ive had to just delete an element and start over
even i did the same for thrice but the response is still same
if you give acess to editor i can take closer look
thank you for answers.
Please share the screenshot of text element and Group properties if the issue is not resolved yet. Text element must show current cell’s option sets display.
he has a few pics above. the entire repeating group isnt visible like its not loading any of the option sets
Yes but no pic of text element and group element. Sometimes there might be some mistakes.