How to set the conditional offset for a GroupFocus?

I tried to set a different offset for mobile and mid-screen sizes, but I couldn’t find an option to specify different top/left offsets for the groupfocus. How can I achieve this for different screen views?

Desktop View

Mobile View

I want it to appear below the ‘Expand’ button by conditionally adjusting the offset.

Editor - Searching offset option

I couldn’t find the option; it only shows a basic set of options like padding, width, etc.

Maybe you need another group focus for the mobile view and control the visibility using the conditionals

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Thank you for the answer, but there will be more than 10 GroupFocus elements for the tutorial, many of which will include action buttons with workflows. Do you think duplicating the whole thing is the best practice?

The only method I’ve found is to have multiple GroupFocus elements. Something Bubble should absolutely fix IMO!

Some plugins can change the position of targeted elements. Use the word “position” for the search and try if any can help.