How to set the preferred language using a button workflow

In the older days of Bubble you could set the language using this term in Bubble workflow:
Language = en_us (for english) or Language = de_de (for German) this is no longer supported and I have tried several other options but with no luck. Anyone out there who know how to do this?

Hello @hn1 welcome back to the community!

Hi Cmarchan
Thanks for your reply - but I can´t really see what you mean by this illustration. I am well aware of the function in the language section of the bubble system. I am asking how to set the preferred language of the 12 languages I offer my clients with a simple button workflow.

Maybe this tutorial helps you

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Thanks a lot Sarah - Your explanation is super fine and I solved my problem.

Another question is however arised “How do you work with drop list that would contain multiple languages as well?”

Let me hear from you.


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