Has anyone else had trouble showing up on google search?
I may just not have my SEO settings set up correctly. Could anyone suggest any best practices?
Has anyone else had trouble showing up on google search?
I may just not have my SEO settings set up correctly. Could anyone suggest any best practices?
I’m having the same problem! Please someone help!
So bubble allows us access to certain parts of our application’s html so we can tweak our specific page to be more “seo-friendly”.
Other than that, it’s up to us to get our site to appear in search engine results.
Start here: https://www.google.com/webmasters/support/
A few quick notes:
Don’t forget Yahoo and Bing in addition to Google. They’re still surprisingly very active, especially by the baby boomer generation. A lot of my business comes from Yahoo and Bing.
Ranking in search engines is a completely different bag of snakes than actually showing UP on search engines.
This stuff takes time: be patient!
So who’s going to wants to develop the webmaster API bridge?
Thanks for your reply!