How to Store and Present Data Type Content (text, images, videos)

Hello fellow Bubblers,
I am building an LMS (Learning Management System) app. When a user clicks on a lesson, a lesson page opens and is dynamically filled with the Lesson’s data type fields.

Lesson Data type contains:

  • Name (text)
  • Content (text)

The page structure is the same for each lesson. The lesson’s name and headline are at the top, a picture is on the left, and the content is below it.

Displaying the Lesson’s content troubles me. It depends on the lesson. Ideally, I would have the flexibility to “drag-and-drop” images, videos, and text elements and design the layout for each lesson’s content separately.

Currently, I have a create-lesson page where the admin can fill in all fields for a lesson. The content is filled by using Rich Text Editor, but it does not provide the flexibility or the look (design) I need.

How do you suggest I get the needed flexibility and design? All suggestions are welcomed.

Your help would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile: