Hi fellow Bubblers,
I am trying to work out how to structure the database for my web app but I’m struggling. I would be most grateful for any pointers.
The functionality I am trying to build:
A user would be logging in and creating a list (“List A”). The user would then add more items to the list over time. Each item would also include an item description. The user would be able to create additional lists (“List B”, “List C” etc.) The user would be able to switch between each of the created lists and upload new items or delete/amend existing items as and when required.
I am struggling to build this out in a way that works properly but I know if I can get the database right it will set me on the right track. Thank you in advance for any assistance!
Hey @tariqazim86,
I would probably do something like this (the words in capital leaders represent custom data types, and the bullet points represent the fields for each type):
- List of List Items (List of list Items)
- List (List)
- Description (text)
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.
Thank you Jacob, that’s very helpful.
One more question - regarding the images the user uploads, would I be setting them to save as images under “LIST ITEM” in the database?
I have also sent you an email on a separate matter.
Hey Tariq,
It depends on your situation. If you want to have each LIST ITEM potentially hold photos, then yes, I’d save the images as a separate field there:
- List (List)
- Description (text)
Alternatively, if you only want the user to be able to upload photos for the entire LIST, you could create a separate field under the LIST type:
- List of List Items (List of list Items)
- List of images (List of images)
I’ll check my email