How to use Slideable menu

Sorry guys, I am definitely not getting Bubble easily. I am trying to use the Slideable Menu plugin (hamburger menu). I have installed the plugin and have added page names in the Options I want the menu to take the User to. But how the heck do I link the app page URL’s to these options?

The Ref manual says
" Options
Enter the options the menu should offer. Type one entry per line and press enter between each option. When the user presses on the options, the event will be triggered and a workflow will run. Refer to the option the user pressed by accessing the 'Element’s current option."

When I click on the Slideable menu (Hamburger) there is no option to add a Workflow so I cannot see how to add a URL for the correct page.

Grateful for any help.

Hey @markeaston - you may find it helpful to reference this post. I included a video there that walks you through the setup process

Dan (creator of LearnTo - 100+ really great Bubble tutorials)

Thanks Dan. When I’m confident Bubble can do what I want then I may well take up your course. Meantime I’ve solved it. All that’s missing is the fact that clicking on the ‘burger’ icon doesn’t reveal a Start/Edit Workflow. Luckily right clicking the ‘burger’ does. Quirky Bubble behaviour I guess. Cheers.

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