HS Entrepreneurship course looking to work on developing an MVP

Hi All,

I am a high school educator in NH that is currently teaching a course entitled Project StartUP- where 11th and 12th grade students go from ideation to MVP in a semester.

I was discussing with the class about the concept of production and thought to possibly reach out to those in the community who may be willing to convert our user journeys/sprints into a working prototypes.

In leading a number of innovative programs in the secondary setting- I would love to connect with freelancers or agencies that may be able to offer their development services on bubble. In the past, I was able to provide documentation for an “in-kind donation of services” at an agreed upon amount for tax deduction purposes as well as showcasing the outside people and groups supporting the initiatives.- as budget $$ is few and far between. I by no means hope to find someone to work ad nauseum for free on a product going to market, but am hopeful there may be some interested in helping to make the class idea a reality.

This may be a great opportunity for someone who is building a portfolio or maybe for a hiring test for an agency or firm looking to bring on a developer and want to validate their abilities. All interfacing on the project would be done directly with me as to limit “scope creep” and to ensure that time and resources were used in a respectful and directed method with as limited “waste” as possible.

I do have a bunch of ideas and am definitely willing to discuss other ways to reward/compensate while providing these students with a real hands-on approach to what goes into developing an application.

If you are interested in exploring, I’d love to chat. Feel free to DM and we can set up a time that is convenient for you in order to explore possibilities.

Thanks for the consideration!

Justin Ballou
Social Studies Educator
Hollis-Brookline High School

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This post is almost 2 months now, I don’t know if your offer is still valid for discussion