Hello everyone I am doing the menu for my app and I am facing a problem. I want that when the user logs in it show its name, the log out button and I want the other texts to move from the right to the left. So if the distance between the text element in my case and the right border is 200 px before the user is logged in I want it to go to 273 px after he logs in. Thank you in advance.
Before logging in
Define a condition for the text elemet. If the current user is logged in. => Right margin = 273
I have tried it and it doesn’t work. All the text are inside a group maybe that has something to do with it?
First of all, I don’t know why Sign up/ Login is still showing after the user has logged in.
The logout button should rather show there.
For the text, I don’t think you should have lumped all of them inside one group which probably is sharing the same “space between”