I want to create a sign up using unique username

I searched a lot for how to do this
I tried all the solutions I read and none of them worked
I couldn’t make the username unique

All of these methods work correctly when I create a new user while I am still logged in with the current user, but when I log out of the user and go to create a new user, they become inactive and a the new user is created with a duplicate username.

I really need help

Can’t you just set the Current User’s slug to user’s input:lowercase? That will always be unique and if there’s a user with the same name it won’t work.

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The second thread has both of the answers you need (use slugs or do a count of a search), and if you can’t get the latter to work, it is likely because the default privacy rule on the User data type is getting in the way of the search.


Sorry, could you explain more?
Because I tried a method I found, but it’s creates a new user with the same slug, adding the number -1


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Thank you so much it was really because the default privacy rule

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No need for the lowercase formatting