I want to display the content of external API in RepeatingGroup

Hello. I want to display data received from an external API in a RepeatingGroup.
I am currently receiving data from an external content server (microCMS) using GET from an API Connector. In microCMS, the list of return values further includes a list called “content”, so that value is “Display list in repeating group” in WorkFlow (as shown in the image below).

After that, I want to display the content retrieved from microCMS in the text contained in the RepeatingGroup, but I don’t know how to specify “Dynamic Data”.
Could someone please help? thank you.Preformatted text


it is not necessary to call the api using a workflow, in this particular case, you can use the api as data source for the repeating group itself within the configuration of the element and make sure you have the api set a data.

Thank you, @mariopleitez !
As you can see in the image below, it was successful.
スクリーンショット 2023-10-26 22.40.36
(I’m Japanese, so the preview is in Japanese.)

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I am glad, it works, feel free to reach if you need help with your dev.