ICS unable to add attendee


I want to add attendee to my ICS calendar invite using bubble native action.
Anyone know how to do this?

I had try to add multiple emails to “to” input but the ICS file does not contain the list of emails

@eve Are you able to assist on this issue? or anyone you can refer? thank you so much… I contacted bubble for technical help but no respond :frowning:

Hey there @ben.nes,

Check this out: Email - Bubble Docs but not sure that it accept multiple emails in the To field

Hey @johnny , thank you so much for responding!

This is what I achieve for adding into “to”
The attendee section is not showing

Ah I see, I wonder if this is the intended behavior… @eve what do you think?

I hope not! It will be weird if bubble allow scheduling of event but don’t allow attendees

I must be missing something here

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