Ignore quote in Email

Hi Everyone,

I’ve notice I can send email in backend using html element to make a line clickable because of the quote inside.

With Gmail, I don’t need anything because it recognize the url, but with other plateform, it doesn’t.

If I try something like example

with this line of error: Workflow error - The service Postmark - Post email just returned an error (HTTP 422). Please consult their documentation to ensure your call is setup properly. Raw error: {"ErrorCode":402,"Message":"Received invalid JSON input."}

Does anyone have a clue or any kind of a solution?


Hi there @fakossa1,

You need to escape it. You can add a new find a replace operator and for wherever there is a quote replace it with \”

Thanks for your response @johnny .

Unfortunatelly, I still get the same workflow error:
Workflow error - The service Postmark - Post email just returned an error (HTTP 422). Please consult their documentation to ensure your call is setup properly. Raw error: {"ErrorCode":402,"Message":"Received invalid JSON input."}

Uh hmm… I’ll update you once I look back at my solution on my app (on my phone replying to this)


Doing this worked for me:

Might be a template issue, do you have three curly brackets where your variable is? Eg. {{{ var1 }}}?

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It’s work like a charme @johnny , big thanks. However I was hoping it’s could help me send htlm element like href in a mail but it doesn’t work. I keep on turning around.

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