Image upload constraints

Hey everyone

Im reaching out because within my app is a sign up page that the user is required to fill out before using the app. On the sign up page one of the requirements is a profile picture which can be upload through the picture uploader.

The problem I am currently facing that that I would like to constrain each image to a certain heights and width that way everyones profile picture is the same size.

I have heard of the croppie plug in but am not sure if this is the way to go. From the information I have gathered it allows the user to crop the photo before they upload it. I dont want the user to be able to crop the photo. I would like it so that when they upload it, it is automatically cropped to size so the formatting is the same for all the users.

Please let me know if you can help!

You can do this with CropGuide, if you configure it to run in “headless” mode it will crop and resize images without opening the editor.

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