Image Upload On Android

I’m trying to get the image uploader to work in Android but nothing happens when I click it.

I have not yet tried iOS yet and am still working through Android.

Does anyone have any input on this?

@natedogg perhaps you are aware. Thanks all.

I just checked in my app (marshmallow moto X) working slow as usual but fine.

It works fine outside of a native app but won’t work otherwise on my end…

Are you using a native app or just mobile browsing?

Sorry for late answer, just browsing in Android Chrome

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Hey @JustinC ,

I have a similar problem. I test my android native app with “” and everything works except the picture uploader (nothing happens when I click it).

Someone has a solution?

I believe @natedogg advised me this is a known issue until Bubble pushes on Native dev.

I have since forgone the image in my app.

If you have a web app, you can always have them configure the image there in their profile settings and call it inside the mobile app.

And you can put the image element inside of a group with a condition to hide the group and collapse it’s height if the users Image (profile pic i assume) is empty. This way it doesn’t look like dead space no your mobile app but for users who do have a profile pic they’ll be able to see it.

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Does this issue also work if using Crosswalk in your build?