I’m trying to creat a button that saves an uploaded image to a data field in the Workflow editor. The purpose is to call the Type’s Field’s image variable and display it on an image banner using a Group(I would assume I can use a Group’s background). Since I’m new to Bubble, I followed the Sending Data to Pages interactive tutorial and tried to replicated the tutorial. To my surprise, I can’t find the image variable in the Type data field’s drop down list. I have been struggling with this for three days now. Is this a bug? How can I not replicate the tutorial? I’ve searched the forums, I Googled it, I looked at Youtube tutorials, I tried ChatGPT, I even tried to understand how to do this using the premade Bubble templates. If I were to be a Bubble developer, I would make this function extremely easy to make and set up. All the ways I thought I would make it, didn’t work. This put a complete block on the project I wanted to develop. I really want to get good with this app so I can bring my app ideas to life. How do I save an image to my database so I can add it to a banner? I will include a screenshot to this Post.
Lots of questions here. What is the field type for that variable EditPage_BGBanner? (I think this should be an IMG, then you need a File Uploader Input.
Seems like you need another TEXT field that would be for the Image Name. Then you could show the Image (as Background) and then using the Fixed element, you could put the Name Text field over top.
The EditPage_BGBanner is an image field. I remember the Sending Data to Pages interactive tutorial also mentioned about making a name text for the image. I thought that wouldn’t be relevent if I’m not going to display the name of the image.
I also can’t seem to figure out Bubble’s data logic and keywords to make it do things. I know you have to assign data to the data fields, but the options simply does not come up. At this point I tried nearly everything. You’d think the image fields would all have an easy way to be able to send data to the Data type editor. You’d think it would also be easy to retrieve data with Groups, Shapes, Buttons, and other Elements. It feels like every element has it’s own spacific method of doing stuff. When I see tutorials on Youtube, it seems code makes this more flexible. Surely if it’s this flexible with code, then why couldn’t the elements do the same thing?
If it was like this, I feel like I could hit the ground running making some cool stuff immediately. I got the app design completely finished. The app is perfect visually. Usually I figure things out quick, but I just can’t figure out how to make the workflow and data editor do anything, even something as simple as displaying an image on a background.
Sady, I’m nearly out of data for the free version because I’ve been fighting with the issue for three days now. lol
I’ll need to pay for the standard version if I am to continue.
I got to move on and try other apps. I’ll come back to this one sometime later.
I am unsure if I understand your message, but it is pretty straightforward. As I mentioned above, I don’t feel like you have all the elements you need.
You have to have a way to UPLOAD an image (Then save that upload someplace)
You have to have an Image that references whatever was uploaded/saved and then you can do a dynamic variable to that.
And you need an input to save a Name as text and then you can call that name.
Get a picture uploader
Get a button
Add workflow to said button
Make changes to Banner or create one if it doesn’t exist
image = Picture uploader’s value
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