Incorrect creation date on record

Not sure if I will be able to recreate this but just wanted to see if anyone had this happen too.

I was in the live preview and signed up as a user. When I checked the creation date for the user in the backend, it was the day before and 3 hours earlier. This happened again right after when a workflow was triggered and it created 3 records (it was only supposed to create 1), one having the correct creation date and the other 2 having a creation date of the day before and 3 hours earlier.

Has anyone experienced this before? I’m assuming it is a bug.


Can you show us the workflow?
I had an issue with time before when i was travelling but it was time zone adjustment.

The sign up workflow was the one that came with demo sign up popup. And the other workflow was to create a new thing when an event was triggered on a custom plugin. I would have thought it was an issue with the plugin but the user created on sign up had an incorrect creation date. I know Bubble was having a lot of system issues that day too.


if it works now… move on until it happen again… yes the issue was specifically related to user. so maybe that was the cause

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