Increment Date & Time by Value w/ Scheduled Workflow

I am seeking to set a different incremented date/time with each thing my scheduled workflow creates.

The time should increment by “x” seconds multipled by “y” created thing in the scheduled workflow’s list.

I’ve read many posts and done my best to explain this need in the simplest way possible…

Any ideas how I can accomplish this?

Here’s a visual:

CountVar = 0
Increment = Userset

Thing # | Date & Time
1 | 201809240800 +(seconds): [(Increment * CountVar)] = 0
----------------------------- Increment CountVar + 1 -------------------------------
2 | 201809240800 +(seconds): [(Increment * CountVar)] = Increment
----------------------------- Increment CountVar + 1 -------------------------------
3 | 201809240800 +(seconds): [Increment * CountVar)] = Increment * 2


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Maybe you could use Toolbox’s List of Numbers to generate the list to send to the workflow …


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Thanks for the idea - I’ll give it a go and let you know.

@mishav is there anyway to create this list in workflow event? or is this only a UI item?

Its a client-side element. I thought it might be appropriate to generate at the time the user’s increment (or excrement) is captured.

To do something similar in the API workflow would need one of:

  • recursive workflow
  • server-side script plugin (still in beta)
  • external API
  • conditional calling custom events, if the number is fairly small

How do you see accomplishing this with custom events?

custom events … its not elegant …

if num > 5 call dofiveofthem
if num mod 5 > 4 call do oneofthem

Update - solved this challenge by creating a customized counting table and setting the scheduled api workflow interval to 30, which seems to be enough time to not compete with the other workflow items.

Ugly workaround IMO, and hopefully the Bubble time will work on a few things:

  1. Dynamic scheduled workflow api
  2. Data processing order reliability (which is now important with the introduction of recursion).

Good result!

Funny you should mention this, because:

Workflows run one at a time
Workflow can check if there is more data to process, and do something else if there isn’t
More reliable for long lists