I am experiencing some odd behaviour with the input form.
I have a standard input form + button. My expected behaviours are as follows:
Users types something in input form and presses the button to trigger workflow. This works fine as expected.
User types something in input form and hits ENTER to trigger workflow. **This does not always work **. The workflow only appears to be triggered on ENTER in this scenario that the user has already at least once hit the form submit button. For example, if I first load the page, type something in the input, hit ENTER, nothing will happen. If I then click the button, it will trigger the workflow. From that point on, hitting ENTER triggers teh workflow correctly.
Is this a known issue? Or could I have misconfigured something.
I now realise I can run two parallel workflows with one using input value has changed and the other using the submit button. If there is no cost difference, then this is a non-issue.